Wednesday, July 14, 2010

iPhone Antenna Grief

Is the iPhone 4 antenna problem real? For me, yes, it is. Here's a series of screenshots to illustrate the issue. First up is the naked iPhone held "properly" in the left hand claw position (thumb just under the volume buttons, and two fingers on the right edge.)

Next up the so-called "grip of death." In reality this is a fairly relaxed left-hand grip with the fleshy palm-part of the thumb bridging the left hand antenna sections. Note the almost total lack of radio goodness.

Finally, the same" grip of death," but with an Apple bumper installed. This $30.00 solution does pretty much fix things. If the bumper had been included in the box from day one, with the advice that "if you live in an area with poor coverage, or if you, personally, are particularly conductive, the use of the bumper is recommended," there would be no problem. As it is, spending $30.00 on top of the iPhone price stings.

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